You have been through a divorce or are currently going through one and now working through the challenge of navigating your new financial normal. Financial situations contribute to conflict and stress between co-parents, both of which negatively impact child adjustment and development.
The course is presented in an audio lecture format with a downloadable Companion Guide.
Not only will you learn the information but you will do it! .
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The importance of becoming financially literate
How emotional trauma from divorce can impact finances
How to set SMARTER financial goals
Strategies to create a workable co-parenting financial plan
How to create a personal budget
Linda Simpson, PhD
Creator & Owner of Anchord Money, Speaker, & Author
30 years’ experience teaching financial literacy in higher education
Module 1
Welcome & Course Introduction
✓ Instructor introduction
✓ Overview of topics that will be covered
✓ Navigating the Course
✓ About the Companion Guide
Module 2
Ages and Stages of Childhood: Impact of Divorce (15 minutes)
✓ Realize the change in family structure
✓ Understand the impact of divorce on children, separating couple, family, and extended family
✓ Review the developmental stages of childhood and impact of divorce
Infant 0-1
Toddler 1-3
Preschooler 3-5
School age 5-12
Adolescent/Teenage 12-18
✓ Develop strategies in talking to your children about divorce
✓ Use coping Strategies to help children with the divorce
✓ Review resources
Module 3
Effective Communication (15 minutes)
✓ Understand the importance of using effective communication skills
✓ Learn strategies to develop verbal and listening skills
✓ Review communication options, phone, Email & text messaging, and determine preferred method
✓ Incorporate conflict management strategies
Module 4
Self-Care (15 minutes)
✓ Understand the importance of self-care to provide a strong, stable environment for your child
✓ Realize the impact of divorce in the eight facets of life: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, Career, Social
✓ Emotional trauma from divorce and the impact on finances
✓ Coping mechanisms
Module 5
Your Responsibility as a Parent (30 minutes)
✓ Understand the importance of self-care to provide a strong, stable environment for your child
✓ Realize the impact of divorce in the eight facets of life: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Family, Financial, Personal, Career, Social
✓ Emotional trauma from divorce and the impact on finances
✓ Coping mechanisms
Module 6
Expense Plan (30 minutes)
✓ Know the different types of divorce fees
✓ Compare contested and uncontested divorces
✓ Complete the Marital Settlement Budget Agreement and Parenting Plan
Module 7
The Transition (30 minutes)
✓ Evaluate transition considerations related to finances
✓ Understand parenting time considerations
✓ Evaluate co-parenting apps
Module 8
Creating a Personal Financial Plan (30 minutes)
✓ Recognize the importance of becoming financially literate
✓ Know the importance of credit reports and scores
✓ Complete a draft of Financial Affidavit
✓ Create a moving forward budget
✓ Balance a budget
✓ Assess what you have and need
Module 9
Creating a Co-Parenting Budget (30 minutes)
✓ Understand co-parenting & finances
✓ Become aware of children and financial matters
✓ Create a workable co-parenting financial plan that supports communication and collaboration
✓ Understand the importance of teaching financial literacy to children
Module 10
Getting Organized, Creating an Action Plan, Wrap Up and Summary (30 minutes)
✓ Set future goals
✓ Apply the Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix
✓ Prioritize tasks